"The last few years have taught me a valuable lesson...And that is no matter what we are going through at the moment, God's Grace is sufficient to carry us through. Time and time again, I'm seeing this.. God's truth is much bigger than our circumstances we are facing.. Our problems seem like Goliaths and the solution seems like Davids..But, remember, David was successful in beating his problem (Goliath) only because He believed God was going to bring him victory..Nothing in our own strength, but His Strength! So, what I am trying to say..is no matter what we go through in this life (my back, your job, and etc.) We have a Head Coach that will always bring us the win!" (Hebrews 13:5-"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.") So I challenge all of us, to try and trust God. I promise you, He will always have our best interest in mind.